Peerless P17 – Petrol powered compressor

The P17 petrol has become the largest selling model in the Peerless range due to its high performance and build quality. This is the largest Peerless petrol model you can buy with a 6HP Honda engine. It is super quiet and efficient for the amount of air you receive. This unit is truly manufactured for the professional.

Warranty: 5 years on the pump and 3 years on the Honda motor.

  • Can run 3 sets of Campagnola pneumatic secateurs simultaneously.
  • Can run 2 sets of Campagnola pneumatic olive harvesters simultaneously.


Technical Information

Notes Model Number Cylinders Free Air Free Air @ (PSI) Engine Pump Type Pump RPM Tank Size (L) Max PSI Mounting Weight Dimensions (LxWxH)
Pump up time to 100PSI 55 – 60secs P17P 2 350LPM 115 (Max 145) GX200 PETROL C5 1061 55 130 PORTABLE 86kg 109 X 49 X 85